About FD
About FD
Portfolio Management Services (PMS) refers to an investment portfolio in equities, fixed income, cash, debt structured products and other individual assets that is managed by a professional money manager and can be adjusted to fit specific investment objectives. Unlike in mutual funds where the investor owns units of the fund, when you invest in PMS funds, you own individual securities. You have the suppleness to customize your portfolio to meet your specific requirements and objectives.
Portfolio Management Service, or PMS, is a professional service in which certified and experienced portfolio managers, supported by a research team, manage stock portfolios on behalf of customers rather than the clients managing their own.
Alternative Investment Fund or AIF means any fund established or incorporated in India which is a privately pooled investment vehicle which collects funds from sophisticated investors, whether Indian or foreign, for investing it in accordance with a defined investment policy for the benefit of its investors.
AIFs invest in investments that are not traditional (for example, equities or fixed income). Securities and Exchange Board of India classifies AIFs under three broad categories. Namely, Category I AIF, Category I AIF and Category III AIF. Each of the categories has different investments as per the broad definition of the category. Some of them are private equity, venture capital, hedge fund, and angel fund etc.